Thursday, December 31, 2015

celebrating 2015

2015 was a big one for me - friendships, 22, moving out of my apartment, grad school, moving home. I think this is the first time I've really sat down and reflected on the year as a whole and the life moments in between. It feels good to remember and celebrate 2015, and dream for the upcoming year.

Let's take a trip down memory lane shall we...

W I N T E R // January & February 

I made crazy wonderful friendships that I didn't see coming. They are definitely the life-long ones. We laughed, we cried, we shared heartaches and deeply personal thoughts, we stayed up until the sunrise deeply lost in conversations, and we consumed way too much boba.

I helped produce Vietnamese Culture Night at UCLA with some of my best pals, and the ABC (Andy, Breigh, Calvin) trio was born. Look mom, I made it onto the famous Royce stage:

We spent the afternoon at Venice Beach eating bbq and biking/boarding along the coast. 

S P R I N G // March & April & May
Teaching became more of a reality as I got accepted into graduate school.

My friends and I sang a lot. In the car. At the apartment. In front of a hundred high school students (that was more embarrassing than I thought). 

My car's battery died about four times. At Ralphs. In front of Chickfila. In my parking garage. At Target....So I finally invested in my own jumper cables and replaced the battery. I also saw Obama drive down Pico Boulevard that night as I was stuck for 3 hours. Fine, I didn't actually see him, but pretty sure I did see his car amongst the never-ending motorcade.

I reflected on friendships some more, and life lessons I learned from them. 

The Newsies Tour came into town, so Andy and I treated Calvin out to a night at the Pantages for his belated birthday gift. 

Attended one of my favorite UCLA traditions for the last time as a UCLA student. Can you guess it? 
(Spring Sing)

We surprised David with the most fun, spontaneous friend outing to San Diego and filled the day with a lot of food, laughter, and relaxation. Best of all, I watched one of my favorite bands The Fray perform, and sang loudly to Matt Nathanson and Train. 

My roommates and I took cliche graduation photos that I will cherish forever. 

S U M M E R / June & July & August

We finally plunged into the Inverted Fountain after four years of waiting...and it was worth it. 

I graduated from college. That week was a blur. 

I turned 22 and went to Disneyland to celebrate birthdays and graduation. 

Spent a long weekend in Portland right before my last week of UCI summer school

And then my baby twin cousins were born, and I took a yolo trip to San Francisco with my other cousin the next day. 

Death Cab for Cutie at the Hollywood bowl was an unforgettable night.

I dreamed up a clean, white bedroom and made it somewhat happen. 

W I N T E R // December

I started and finished a #100dayrunstreak and started taking better care of my body.

This was a crazy year filled with a lot of new friendships, big life moments, lifestyle changes, and growth. I can easily count 2015 as one of the happiest years of my life thus far.

I'm ready for you 2016!!

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