Sunday, March 12, 2017

nothing to prove book club

I'm doing something scary today, but I'm excited to see what might come out of it. Books have always been a huge joy in my life - they take me into worlds unknown; they make me cry, laugh, and go "what the heck?!" all in one sitting. They are a treasure.

I also know how easy it is to read a book, feel changed or compelled in that moment, and then forget about the whole thing a week later.

I heard Jennie Allen once say, "We are in the noisiest generation that has ever lived this earth. It is a loud world. We have got to learn discipline." and I couldn't agree more. We need discipline to read our bibles more, to pray more, to be more intentional and the list goes on. More than all these things, though, we need discipline for changed lives. We need discipline to know our God better so we can know more clearly when and how He's speaking into our lives.

I want to extend an invitation to each one of you - whether you love reading, hate reading, want to read but never have time, or can't overcome the halfway point of a book - to join me in this book club as we read and talk together over coffee, some good vinyls, and my bomb chocolate chip cookies.

How book club works:

1 // Get a copy of the book (there's a giveaway that includes this book happening on my IG right now - go, go, go! @breighdang)

2 // Get plugged in to our book community before we read

3 // Read a few chapters, meet to discuss, read a few more chapters, meet to discuss

4 // Be open to sharing and loving on one another the best we can

This season, we will be reading "Nothing to Prove" by Jennie Allen. You can get a copy of the book on Amazon here.

If you are interested in joining this book club, please fill out this form to get plugged in to our community. I am happy to have you, friend!

So friends, whether you are near or far, join us (virtually or in person) as we learn what it means to stop trying to prove ourselves in a world where we will never be enough and learning what it means to be okay not being enough in His kingdom. If you forgot to fill out the form above, please fill out this form if you are interested in being a part of this book club community.

Women, let's build a generation in a small way today by gathering close together, investing in each other's lives, and arming ourselves with more Truth to battle this noisy world that keeps telling us we are not enough.

F A Q s // My list of answers to all the ways you are doubting this commitment fun thing

How often will this book club meet?
We will meet twice a month to discuss the previous chapters, share what's going on in our lives, reflect and respond.

What if I can't meet physically?
Guuurl, that's a-okay. I will be sending out emails after each book meet with discussion questions, thoughts on the chapter, etc so you can be kept accountable if you can't make a meet or you live across the country. We will make this work!

What if I don't have Amazon Prime to order the book?
Let me know by commenting below or writing in the book club form, and I will order the book for you (please venmo me of course).

What if I am not interested in this book, but want to be a part of book club in the future?
Hopefully if God is gracious, there will be more books in the future to read and more women who want to read these books with me.

Will book club always be Christian books, or will there be other genres as well?
I love all books, and I hope to start a book club for novels (my other love) as well in the future. So stay tuned!

Can I share this or invite a friend(s)? 
Please do - the more the merrier! Feel free to share this link with whomever you think might be blessed through this opportunity. Encourage someone in your life that might need some extra lovin'. I think this book is a great way to open up conversation about the Gospel for non-believers.

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