Sunday, March 19, 2017

my current skincare routine

About two summers ago, I walked into the vast world known as skincare. Don't get me wrong, I was washing my face every morning and night since I was young, but that was pretty much it. No moisturizer, no toner, nada.

Over these last two years, my skincare regimen has changed and grown as I continue to learn more about different products and what my skin needs are. I started using different oils to wash my face through the Oil Cleansing Method (which turned out to be the worst disaster for my face), and then started using more Korean skincare products to try and reverse the damages. I'm definitely no expert when it comes to skincare nor do I have the perfect skin, but I've learned a lot from friends, the internet, and family about skincare that I wished I had known from the very beginning.

I currently use a mixture of Korean products and other things in my daily skincare routine. These are the products I currently use on a daily basis:

M O R N I N G // A.M.

Step 1: Murad Renewing Cleansing Cream (USA) - I use this to wash my face every morning. It's slightly on the pricier side, but a small amount goes a long way for each wash so it lasts me months.

Step 2: Thayer's Witch Hazel Rose Petal Toner (USA) - I always use toner after I wash my face. It helps return your skin to its natural pH and helps absorb the next products a lot better.

Step 3: Clinique Moisturizing Gel (USA) - I actually use this and another moisturizer I got from my facial lady interchangeably, but I like this one for my oily skin because it doesn't leave any residue and melts into my skin pretty quickly.

Step 4: Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin C (Korea) - I just started adding this serum to my regimen a few weeks ago, and I think it's working! It's supposed to help fade out lines, prevent pigmentation, and brighten and even out the skin. I think for me it's also helped to heal some of my acne scars.

Step 5: GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream (USA) - Honestly, I don't know if this helps, but I use it anyways. Truth. So I'm currently looking for a new eye cream that helps to depuff and minimize dark circles if you wanna help a girl out.

Step 6: Missha Mild Essence Sun Milk (Korea) - This is the gold mine of all things skincare in my opinion. It's SPF that works brilliantly because I can't even tell I'm wearing sunscreen. It melts into the skin quickly, leaves my skin feeling super soft, and one of these tiny bottles has lasted me over a year (and I use it everyday!). Pure magic I tell you. If you are not a believer in wearing SPF everyday, let me convince you now this is the easiest and most magical thing to have entered my life. And I used to hate putting on sunscreen because it would make my skin feel either super chalky or oily.

E V E N I N G // P.M.

Step 1: Banila Co Clean It Zero (Korea) - Sorry, did I say the SPF was the gold mine? Because this actually tops the SPF, which, wow, I have no words. This is an oil-based cleanser that I apply on my dry makeup-wearing face. I massage it in for about 2 minutes until my makeup has melted away, and then I use lukewarm water to rinse it all off. Gets all my makeup off, leaves my skin feeling super soft, and it just smells amazing.

Step 1.5: Korres Wild Rose Exfoliating Cleanser (Greece) - About twice a week, I use this gentle exfoliator before I wash my face with a foaming cleanser to remove any dead skin cells. It just makes my face feel a lot smoother after and it helps to clear out your pores by making way for new skin cells underneath.

Step 2: Murad Renewing Cleansing Cream (USA) - I use this to wash my face every night. Makes my skin feel soft afterwards - love!

Step 3: Thayer's Witch Hazel Rose Petal Toner (USA) - I always use toner after I wash my face, no questions asked. I might change to the Son + Park Beauty Water after I finish this one.

Step 4: Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin C (Korea) - I just started using this serum morning and night, but I think it's shown results!

Step 5: Korres Wild Rose + Vitamin C Advanced Brightening Sleeping Facial (Greece) - At night, I use this moisturizer because it makes my skin super soft when I wake up in the morning.

Step 6: GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream (USA) - Honestly, I don't know if this helps, but I use it anyways. Truth. So I'm currently looking for a new eye cream that helps to depuff and minimize dark circles if you wanna help a girl out.

What skincare products do you use? What has worked for you? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below :)


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