Thursday, July 7, 2016

when you find forever-friends

You know when your life turns out the way you planned? Yeah, said no one ever.

When I was a little girl, I used to dream about growing up with my neighbors or childhood friends and all the fun adult things we would do together in years to come. I met a girl named Jen in 6th grade and planned for myself to be best friends with her until eternity. Then, my family moved cities and my best friend Jen was no longer my best friend. As I trudged through middle school and high school, I hoped each year would be better than the last. Please, oh please, I hope we stay friends next year

Well, life has a funny way of shipwrecking your plans. Every year life happened and the people I felt the closest to became the people I felt the furthest from the following year. As I headed into college, I knew one thing was for certain. I was really good at getting along with others and adjusting to new people. But it never felt quite right - like I was missing something in my friendships. 

I wanted so badly to have forever-friends that I lost sight of my today-here-and-now-friends. 

It's been almost one year since I graduated college, and I've never felt more sure, more loved, and more humbled than I am right now. Life certainly has a way of surprising you. Cheers to that.

(p.s. This picture was taken by my best friend Lilly on my 22nd birthday. Isn't she such a talented photographer? You would die over her cute website Root + Ravish.)

No matter how big our mistakes, how painful our failures, or how far away we are, it's such a comfort to know we'll still be there for one another in the end. We'll come back in a few years from far away states and countries across the world; we'll gather as women in different seasons of life; and we'll just love on one another.

It's these type of friendships that remind me of the greatest friendship of all with our King who loves on us like no other despite how far we stretch our sinful nature and how distant we put ourselves from Him. I'm thankful for friendships that point me to Christ and show me a glimpse of the kind of love God gives to me. 

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