Friday, March 4, 2016

this and that no. 4

From time to time, I like to go back to writing these posts which I like to refer to as "this and that" because they really serve no purpose except to share things that are currently on my mind. In my this and that no. 3, I talked a lot about reflection and how emotions you might have felt 2 months or even a year ago can come full circle. Today, I'm straying away from my moody side and just here to share products and things that currently make me happy.

1 // I've just recently jumped on the skincare band wagon and I feel like my whole world has been opened up. I just started using moisturizer this summer for the first time in my life, and I'm slowly learning what it means to exfoliate and take care of my skin. I currently love this product from Sephora. It's called Wild Rose Daily Brightening & Refining Buff Cleanser from Korres and I use it twice a week. It smells so good when I cleanse and makes my face feel so incredibly soft after. Love it. Also this rose toner - smells great, reduces redness fast, and makes my skin so soft. I think my current obsession is rose-scented everything.

2 // These past few months, I've been listening to a really strange mix of music. Sometimes country, sometimes acoustic, sometimes pop, and sometimes just soundtracks to great movies. It's weird. Here's a playlist of songs I've been enjoying lately. Sorry, but Oh Wonder definitely dominated my musical interests this season.

3 // I think I've found a new hobby in watercoloring. I've never taken any classes or received formal training in watercolor techniques, but I think watercolor prints are just so lovely and clean and soft on the eyes. When I create art, I just look at other people's art and try to figure out how they created certain blends and techniques. I'm no artist, but I've found so much peace and enjoyment in watercoloring, so I think I'm going to continue dabbling in it as a hobby and maybe one day take a real watercoloring class. Do you have a new hobby you love?!

4 // My apologies, but back to music. This song. I can't stop listening to it all day.

5 // Have you watched Jane the Virgin? I recently got hooked and watched all of Season 1 on Netflix in about two weeks. I love it so much, and definitely on #TeamRafael. Whose team are you on?! Shhh, don't give me any spoilers. I'm starting Season 2 soon!

6 // Ok last one. If you don't know me already, then let me just say I am dominated by feelings and emotions. I think and worry and plan and think again, and somehow I've created this whole future in my head just from one tiny moment or thought. This picture basically defines my current state. Who's with me on this one?

Alright, that's it for now. Until next time, friends. Hope you have a great weekend!

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