Tuesday, February 16, 2016

5 books worth reading

I'm a terribly inconsistent reader. I start a new book one night, and then find another book to read the next night. I read and finish a whole book in two days, and then never pick up a book until 5 months later. I'm currently in my oh-my-gosh-reading-is-awesome season, so just thought I'd share with you what is on my reading list.
A T  T H E   WA T E R ' S   E D G E  // Sara Gruen
I loved this book. I stayed up till 2:30am one night just to finish the second half  - it was that good. It takes place during WWII as three friends venture off into Scotland in search of the Loch Ness monster. A story about sacrifice, friendship, betrayal, the realities of life, and, of course, love. It's by the same author as Water For ElephantS. Although I haven't read that book I assume it's written in a similar style.

A N N E  O F  A V O N L E A // L.M. Montgomery
This is a children's novel, but completely appropriate to read as an adult as well. It's the second story to the Anne of Green Gables series, and it's just darling. The more I read this series, the more I feel like Anne is truly a kindred spirit. She's completely lovable and relatable - just like talking to a dear old friend. Even though the novel takes place in the early 1900s, the themes surrounding Anne's life then are just as relevant today.

A  J A N E  A U S T E N  E D U C A T I O N // William Deresiewicz
If you're a Jane Austen lover like me, you would love this book. It's told in an interesting perspective - written by the author about the author and his transformation from a jerky graduate student to a changed man as he begins making his way through each Austen novel. See, even guys can appreciate Jane Austen and her brilliance! When I first started reading, I thought Okay, here you go. Typical jerky, Austen-hater. But then he begins taking the time to critically understand Austen's work and making connections between the themes and his own life. I definitely sympathized with the poor guy by the end of the book - what a transformation! Fun, easy read if you're into Austen criticism.

C O N F E S S I O N S  O F  A  S H O P A H O L I C // Sophie Kinsella
I don't know about you, but I loved this movie before I even picked up the book. If you're looking for an easy and (sorry to say) mindless read for your lounge time at the beach or on a cozy Saturday afternoon look no further. This book is hilarious and entertaining and a whirlwind experience as you move with Becky through all of her money and shopping predicaments. I'm on the 4th novel of the series, and still loving it!

T U E S D A Y S  W I T H  M O R R I E // Mitch Albom
I have too many good things to say about this book. There isn't much action, but the conversations between Morrie and a former student are deeply moving and very thoughtful. It's definitely a book that keeps you wondering and thinking and reflecting after every page. This is a book I will treasure forever, and whose themes I will carry with me throughout different seasons of my life. I'd also recommend reading The Five People You Meet in Heaven by the same author - all of his books are gold.

So what's next on my list?
I'm currently reading...

L E C H E // R. Zamora Linmark
I had to read this book for an Asian American Studies course in college, but obviously never finished it because it's college. It's a funny novel about a balikbayan - Filipino-American coming back to the homeland for the first time - and his adventures there.

T H E  R E A S O N  I  J U M P // Naoki Higashida
A deeply thoughtful book written by a 13-year-old boy with autism explaining what it feels like to live with autism. It's been extremely insightful for me as I have a few friends who are on the autism spectrum.

And will soon make my way down the rest of the list.

Please comment below if you've read any of the books I listed or end up reading some of them! I would love to hear your opinions - both good and bad! :)

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