Friday, September 19, 2014

this and that

Hello friends! 

If you know me, you'll know that my mind overflows with just so many questions and thoughts each day. Some things I just plain don't know, which is where you the reader comes in and helps a girl out! Other things, I just love/obsess over/find cool that I want to share with the world. Well, here goes. And remember, feel free to comment below with your own thoughts!

THANKFUL FOR | patience that God provides to us everyday. So many moments throughout my day, I find myself getting frustrated or rushed or bitter about something so trivial. It's in those moments of clarity when I step back from the situation, sigh, and remind myself to be patient - with my family, my roommates, the babies at work, the list goes on and on. It really helps me to find joy in my day. What a blessing. 

OBSESSED WITH | Adobe Illustrator. I just downloaded the 30-day trial version and wanted to learn right away. After two days of fiddling around Illustrator and not getting anywhere, I temporarily gave up. Then, a few mornings ago I decided to attempt Illustrator one more time. I spent every waking hour of the day designing logos and templates on it. I, of course, had to google how to do everything, but I eventually started getting a hang of the program. Gotta start from somewhere, right? Obseeeeessed with it. What a life-changing moment. (Don't worry, just because I can design something real simple doesn't mean I'm an expert already. Beginner status for sure. )

REALIZING | that bloggers don't necessarily write a post the same day it gets posted. Pssst....I'm including myself in the category of "bloggers" right now! Yeah.... it's a Friday night and I'm writing this post in preparation to post on Monday. It's all a lie. I'm a lie. Wow... 

REALLY DIGGING | this paper trimmer. I know what you're going to say. Seriously, Breigh? Why I didn't own this baby sooner I have no idea. But it's definitely a game changer. What have I been missing out on.

These are just a few of today's current musings. Life is crazy, isn't it? It allows you to wonder and feel and be alive, but it also sometimes feels like you're stuck on a treadmill and you don't know how to stop. When I feel like I'm in the latter situation, I take a break and try to understand and question the thoughts in my brain. At least then I'm attempting to solve the why in life and not just the what.  

Does any of this resonate with you? What are your Monday musings?

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