Monday, September 22, 2014

this and that no. 2

This week was rough. I could feel my eyelids drooping at work sitting in the warm yard outside (guess I can't complain that my work consists of, more or less, playing with babies and sitting around - it's pretty great actually minus the humid weather). I totally messed up some pork chops for dinner. Like bad....I almost want to just toss it in the trash, but the Asian in me made me stick it back in the fridge to slowly gnaw on throughout the week. It kind of dawned on me that my GRE test is next Saturday, NEXT SATURDAY PEOPLE!! Where did the time go?! Ugh. 

But let's move on to more happier thoughts, shall we? 

CEREAL | I have found my happy place. Cereal and milk. It's glorious. The perfect breakfast, snack, heck, maybe even dinner in this heat. I never grew up eating cereal, so I've recently been freeloading some from my aunt's house when I visit. But I finally made a trip to Trader Joe's to get myself my own stash of perfectly delectable cereal. My current addiction is Whole Grain Trader O''s with unsweetened soy milk and bananas. Perf.  

FOOTBALL SEASON | It's finally college football season again. I can't believe I'm actually saying that because 4 years ago I didn't even know what a 3rd down meant or what an interception entailed. And I can't even say I really know these things now, but I'll just pretend I can use these terms correctly if you really ask me. UCLA had its first pre-season game this past Saturday, and it felt so good to be back at the Rose Bowl. I even bought this baseball cap for the occasion, except what I really wanted was a visor, but that seemed too "UCLA mom" for me. Besides, all I wanted was some face protection while looking somewhat sporty and cool. Did I succeed? 

WATERCOLOR | While distracting myself from studying for the GRE last week, I decided to take out my watercolors and practice some techniques like making flowers. After perusing watercolor prints on Pinterest, I decided that feathers are so pretty in watercolor. There are so many different ways you can paint them, and they all look so lovely. After my first go at feathers, I came up with the artwork below. Blending colors and using different strokes was so fun. This one's for you, Katie. 

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