Friday, September 26, 2014

sick girl problems

It's the end of summer, and I have no idea how I just got sick. But alas, I am, which begs the question: what does a sick girl do all day in the summer? 

Sit in the nap room at work hoarding all the tissues. 
Trying to blow her nose as soft as she can as to not wake up the babies. 

Run into the apartment bathrooms for the last roll of  toilet paper as her nose drips uncontrollably. 
Because our apartment 
is out of...
Toilet paper. 
And paper towels. 

Run to the bathroom every 5 minutes because she ate too much soup for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

Make a night trip to Target to buy ice cream. Forgot the tissues. Lost the parking ticket. End up getting out of a $10 parking ticket by quickly driving out as the gate opens. (Thanks, God.)

Drive back to Ralphs to get tissues. Stare at the price of chicken drumsticks. Seafood worker stops to says hi. Her nose won't stop running and all she wants is tissues, ugh. 

And all I can think about is this song. You don't have to try, try, try, tryyyyyy. 

Phew. Is it time to sleep yet? D:


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