Monday, September 12, 2016

my favorite cocktail: how to make a moscow mule

A few months ago, I co-celebrated my 23rd birthday with my dear friend Laurel (we're one day apart!) and all of our closest friends. Three out of the seven of us ordered moscow mules - yeah, we like our moscow mules. It was super gingery and delicious and, well, expensive for a drink I didn't even get to finish because the bar had closed and I was taking my sweet old time sipping and was only half done and... can you tell I was pretty sad?

The thing is moscow mules are so easy to make and way more affordable at home! You only need 3 things: lime, vodka, and ginger beer. Okay...maybe 4 things. A copper mug if you want to be extra fancy.

Here's the recipe!

How to make a moscow mule:

1 // Fill a cup (or copper mug if you want to be fancy) with ice
2 // Add 2 oz of vodka 
3 // Add the juice of half a lime 
4 // Top off the cup with ginger beer. I like Reed's Extra Ginger Beer from Trader Joe's for it's super strong gingery taste and affordable price. 
5 // Garnish with a slice of lime
The cute graphic print of the recipe prints out as a 5x7 card and would look extra cute framed in your kitchen, washi taped to the wall or above your bar cart, or just part of a gift for a fellow moscow mule lover.

Enjoy and spread the love!

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